Table of Contents

We've copied this TOC from a pdf. We'll add a ✔︎ to those we have included in this experiment. The ☆ marks pages where we've used additional wiki features in some way.

# Street Patterns 51 ✔︎

# Building Patterns 115 ✔︎

# Construction Patterns 151 ✔︎

Design-Build Adaptation 152 ✔︎ Human-Scale Detail 154 ✔︎ ☆ Ornamental Construction 157 ✔︎ ☆ Complex Materials 159 ✔︎


DOT strict digraph HERE WHERE / Patterns\]\] \d+/ LINKS node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=bisque] HERE NODE node [shape=point fillcolor=palegreen] WHERE /^- \[\[/ node [shape=point fillcolor=palegreen] LINKS HERE -> NODE node [shape=point fillcolor=palegreen] HERE NODE WHERE /^Then/ node [shape=point fillcolor=palegreen] LINKS HERE -> NODE HERE NODE node [shape=box fillcolor=bisque] WHERE /^See more/ node [shape=box fillcolor=bisque] LINKS NODE -> HERE